Bronze Throne of the Tikar
The radiant king in the center of the throne exudes power, and self-confidence . His prominent open mouth indicates sacred power, as does his breath and his saliva. His large ears are another reference to his power, strength, ferocity, and courage. His wide open, outstretched arms rest on the shoulders of his wives. He is beautifully dressed and groomed. His body is covered with elaborate scarification. Valuable ornaments worn around his neck, arms and ankles are visible signs of his uncontested power and wealth His carefully breaded beard betrays Islamic influence. His eyes are turned to heaven and his mouth is open, as if he is communicating with the spiritual world, gods and the ancestors. He is a picture of health, physical beauty, perfection, and success. The ancestral spirit on his crown guides and protects the mighty king. Visible under his feet is a mystical, and powerful earth spirit reaching out to the king above. His unbridled powers are controlled by an ancestral spirt placed on its chest . They are ready to assist, and protect against dark and evil forces, sorcerers and witches who could bring harm to him and his subjects .
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