Myth of Origine
Some while later, Iya Mose was raped by a gorilla while fetching water at a nearby steam, and she became pregnant. Ashamed, she fled to the king of Oponda, where she secretly gave birth to a son, half monkey and halfhuman. She left the court of the king of Oponda secretly to return to her husband. On her way home, she abondoned her hybrid son in the forest. Iya Mose eventually revealed her secret to her husband. He returned to the diviner who predicted, that the child did not die, but would grow up to be a Amu"Ludun ( The One Who Brings Sweetness to the cmmunity). The diviner also advised that the funeral rites for the king's father should be performed in the bush where his spirit would materialize in a costume, and that the hybrid child should be mounted on the back of the costume in memory of the father's hunchback. The hybrid child was called Ijimere, which is the Yoruba name for the
red svannah Patas Guenon monkey.
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